Thursday, July 18, 2013


I have not run out of things to talk about.  I needed to make a change in the way I've been doing my links.  I didn't like the way it worked at all.  One reason was that the link did not open in a new window which meant several clicks getting back to my blog or waiting for it to reload in order to click on the next link.  Also I could see that shortly I would not have enough room for all the blogs I follow.  I've created another blog for that.  It is called The Junk Drawer.  The blog will explain the name.

The second thing I want to mention is the fact that whenever I look at my audience by country, Russia is number 2 in viewers.  This has been true from the first few days I began blogging.  I have yet to see any comments by my Russian audience.  I want say I welcome your comments as much as I do others.  If you are concerned that your English is poor, do not worry.  It only matters if I can understand what you mean.  No matter how bad your English is, it is far better than my Russian since I speak not a word of your language.  This is something I regret.  I would have loved to read "War and Peace" in Russian.


Gorilla Bananas said...

You're being stalked by Russians? How fascinating. It's marginally better than being stalked by Libyans, which is what happened to Daphne Wayne-Bough. Did you ever write a post with a Russian connection? It could be an American expat who lives in Russia, of course.

A Beer for the Shower said...

Our number 2 audience is China, which is interesting because we never get any comments from them either. I'd love to go to China one day and see our smiling faces posted everywhere, having been ripped off the Internet and now being used to sell cheap ramen noodles.

Phillip Oliver said...

Have you noticed the flag counter on my blog? It is pretty cool. My top visitors for my garden blog come from Canada, UK, Australia and Germany. You can get one at

Now on my baking blog, I get a lot of visits from India and the Arab countries. Very odd!

Should Fish More said...

Some of the 'visits' we all see on our blogs is a form of trolling by commercial spam sites, looking for ways of entry and using the blogs for their spam. Russia, China, Libya, et al have fewer regs and controls on their internet.

David Oliver said...

Well the Blue-Gray dog is about "War and Peace." Then there's that little thing I wrote about Edward Snowden in
Russia. That's it. An American expat? Possibly, but would have to be more than one or one who re-read this stuff
a lot. Depending on what route an airline takes the stop between here and Asia is Moscow. Maybe it's Americans reading this blog at the airport? Guess there are lots of possibilities, but yeah I think it is fascinating too.

David Oliver said...

China eh? Well they've got lots of people and lots of people doing gold farming on online games. Maybe they pop over to your blog occasionally for a break and a laugh.

As young as you guys are I'm sure you'll get to go sometime and check out those noodles. I think they are pretty good.

David Oliver said...

I had not really looked at the flag counter other than notice it is big. That makes sense about who your garden viewers are.

The baking blog - yep, very odd!

David Oliver said...

Ahhh! Mike, I bet that is it.

Andrew Leon said...

You should know, though (or maybe you do; I'm not awake enough to discern), that many of the foreign views on your blog (especially from places like Russia) are not actual people viewing your blog. Oh, wait... I see the previous commenter already said that.
Never mind.
I need to go wake up. Which is funny since I've been up almost 3 hours.

David Oliver said...

I know now. And it is the most plausible reason. I guess I can expect to see junk in my comments spam folder soon and likely some will get here.

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